Proud to introduce with our partner – Trombone – our next generation of Multi-Sensor Unit (MSU) dedicated to #smartbuildings and powered by Hyperpanel OS on a STM32-M4.
- LCD screen
- Battery management (#STC3115)
- STM32-M4 directly installed on the board
And with always the following Adafruit Industries sensors:
- Sound sensor & amplifier (#MAX9814)
- Temperature, humidity, pressure and gas sensor (#BME680)
- IR 8×8 thermal camera sensor (#AMG8833)
- Ambient light sensor (#VEML7700)
- Silicon MEMS Microphone Breakout (#SPW2430)
- RGB Color Sensor with IR filter and White LED (#TCS34725)
- Gas sensor for air quality (#MQ)
- PIR sensor (#PIR)
The architecture of this MSU is open to any telecom protocols (#wifi, #Lora, etc.) and compatible with an #MQTT architecture to easily develop web services. This MSU is available with its own reference design, including software and hardware.
Going from device to services has never been so easy!